When Covid-19 first arrived in the UK we were asked by clients to support their staff in remaining healthy whilst their businesses remained open.
Over the last 3 months we have been working flat out doing so.
We may well possess a unique portfolio of experience, resources and partners to help you.
Right Now!
We can offer…
COVID-19 – Onsite Healthcare
Health at Work services within the workplace
Health at Work services within the workplace
Staff Symptom & Temperature Screening
an entry control system
an entry control system
Check all your staff for Covid-19 symptoms before they enter the work-place.
We have been doing this since March 2020, before lockdown even began.
We can offer 2 options:
Nurse led – Complete Symptom Screening by Healthcare Professionals.
all staff will be screened on arrival for elevated temperatures and other symptoms by trained, experienced and NMC registered Healthcare Professionals.
Automated and Nurse Led – Checks and assessment of selected individuals by Healthcare Professional.
We are able to provide, through a partner organisation, advanced automated fever detection technology to enable large numbers of staff to be screened quickly. Anyone detected with an elevated temperature or other symptoms can then be referred to one of our onsite healthcare professionals.
Onsite Medical Care
We can provide Healthcare Professionals onsite – to provide all your staff with all the reassurance and advice they need at this challenging time as well as First Aid and Health checks
Covid-19 symptom screening and health checks – support throughout the working day
with temperature and symptom checks and reassurance and first responder level first aid.
Onsite medical room
with full equipment set up and manned by fully qualified NMC registered nurse practitioners.
Mini-Health check clinics
20 to 30 minute 1:1’s. Including BMI, Blood pressure, heart rate and cholesterol, health and lifestyle advice and follow up information and support.
Covid-19 monitoring
for first aiders, temperature checking and nominated staff.
First Aid training courses
both for new first aiders and refresher courses.
Mental Health First Aid training courses –
both for new first aiders and refresher courses.
we will be able to provide a complete range of PPE to clients using any of our Covid-19 healthcare services. This will be nurse led to ensure the correct supplies of the correct quality are provided and that all staff know how to use them to maximise protection.
Covid-19 Onsite Testing Clinics
The Covid-19 ‘Have you had it?” antibody test
The Covid-19 ‘Have you got it now?” antigen test in ‘Onsite Workplace Clinics’ delivered by Healthcare Professionals.
These ‘Onsite Workplace Clinics’ are by Healthcare Professionals.
Our Health Care Practitioners
All our Nurse Practitioners have active current NMC Registration PIN’s. This means they will be doing regular courses and training every year to qualify for their annual NMC registration.
As well as highly qualified they are all also experienced at working in a business environment.
We also use Paramedics and Phlebotomists who are also similarly registered, trained and experienced.
We are also supported by a retained Occupation Health Consultant to ensure we maintain the highest standards and keep up to date with the latest clinical and occupational health developments.
We ensure that the provision of all our services does not impact on NHS resources in any way.
COVID-19 Complete Temperature and Symptom Screening
An entry control system
An entry control system
We can provide a comprehensive temperature and symptom screening service for all employees before they enter your premises. To ensure no-one comes into the workplace with symptoms.
We’ve been providing this in workplaces service 7 days a week since March 2020.
How it works
1) Call us
If you need an enhanced and comprehensive COVID-19 Symptom Screening Service for entry control in your workplace, give us a call and tell us what you need.
2) Site visit
We will arrange for one of our experienced Nurse Practitioners to visit your workplace.
They will meet you at your premises, understand what you require, assess how it can be delivered and liaise with our backroom staff to get things organised quickly and the service ready to start.
3) Service starts
We will be able to provide a complete ‘turn key’ self-sufficient service.
Highly qualified and experienced NMC registered nurses to carry out the screening.
Fully equipped with testing equipment, PPE, cleaning materials, signs and information.
What happens when someone arrives for work?
- Your staff will be sent an email informing them the screening service will be commencing, what to do and what will be happening.
- We have a template – this can be adjusted to fit your requirements and culture.
- When your staff arrive for work they will be met by one of our nurse practitioners before they enter your premises. Our nurses will be wearing scrubs and PPE. We will be able to advise on appropriate PPE in the workplace.
- Each member of staff will ask a formatted series of questions to assess each individual for symptoms and contacts.
- They will also have their temperature taken. We use both Tympanic thermometers and Forehead Infrared thermometers.
- We have gained significant experience and knowledge about how to effectively and quickly assess each individual in both indoor and outdoor locations where staff are arriving for work.
- We have discovered that modern thermometers often give incorrect readings. This is largely due to environmental conditions, particularly ambient temperature and method of travel to work. These significantly affect the accuracy of temperature measurements taken and therefore the accuracy with which each individual is assessed for signs of fever, one of the big 3 symptoms of coronavirus.
- Further, many thermometer are themselves inaccurate. We have settled on a preferred manufacture which we have found to be consistently reliable.
- It is essential to have experienced nurses using this equipment as they are immediately able to tell if a ‘false’ reading has registered and what to do about it. And to be use their experience to assess each individual for other symptoms.
- In our view this is going to become an increasingly significant issue as we as a country try to avoid ‘a second wave spike’ and manage the coming winter.
- If any individual registers symptoms or temperatures outside the expected range we have developed an effective and important protocol to manage what happens next – both to protect the individual concerned, the workplace and their colleagues, and to protect our nurse practitioner.
- All individuals, on completion of tests, before entering the workplace, will be asked to confirm that they have been symptom checked and tested before entry.
We can offer 2 options for Covid-19 entry control systems
Nurse led – Complete Symptom Screening by Healthcare Professionals.
all staff will be screened on arrival for elevated temperatures and other symptoms by trained, experienced and NMC registered Healthcare Professionals.
Automated and Nurse Led – Checks and assessment of selected individuals by Healthcare Professional.
We are able to provide, through a partner organisation, advanced automated fever detection technology to enable large numbers of staff to be screened quickly. Anyone detected with an elevated temperature or other symptoms can then be referred to one of our onsite healthcare professionals.
Onsite Workplace Covid-19 Test Clinics
I am pleased to advise you that we can now offer an On-Site Covid-19 Workplace testing clinic.
Onsite Covid-19 Testing
The Covid-19 ‘Have you HAD it in the past?’ Antibody Test
The primary Covid-19 test we offer is the The Antibody test – Have you had Covid-19 in the past?
Our test is the PHE approved Abbot coronavirus antibody test.
This test can be offered both in ‘Onsite Clinics’ and as ‘Home Visits’ for those currently being shielded. Our tests are MHRA approved, are carried out by appropriately qualified nurses and phlebotomists and the tests are analysed in our partner NHS approved laboratories.
The Benefits
If you’ve ever wondered if you’ve had Covid-19, you can now find out.
This test will tell you, with 98% accuracy, whether you have previously been infected by Covid-19 and now carry antibodies.
At present it is not known whether the presence of these antibodies confers immunity, or how long this might last. This may become clearer in future.
These results will also help the NHS understand the illness better.
And of course, for some, knowing they have already had Covid-19 will be important information.
How it works
The test will be done onsite in a workplace clinic. The test involves drawing blood from a vein. The blood sample will be taken by an NMC registered nurse practitioner or phlebotomist. This sample will be the sent same day to our NHS approved partner laboratory where it will be analysed. The results will be available within 3 working days and sent to the destination of your choice.
The blood sample will be collected by the venous (normal needle in the vein) method.
(The finger prick test you may have read about in the media or through high street and online shops has been withdrawn by the MHRA over concerns about accuracy and will not be used – and has never been used – by Stressbusters Health at Work until it has approval and is known to be accurate. The form of test we offer is specifically approved by the MHRA.)
The provision of this test does not have any impact on NHS resources.
The onsite workplace clinic
We will provide an onsite workplace clinic with a pre-arranged appointment schedule for all those members of staff who wish to have the test done. All tests will be carried out by a healthcare professional. The test is voluntary.
Please note that each nurse practitioner can complete one 8 hour shift (including 2 x 30 minute breaks) in any 24 hour period. We can provide as many nurse practitioners as you need at any one time. One practitioner will be able to provide at least 42 tests in each 8 hour shift.
For the employer
We will organise an ‘Onsite Clinic’ at your place of work.
- Minimum clinic time 3 hours.
- The ‘Onsite Clinics’ are normally held on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Exceptionally on a Thursday.
- These date limitations enable testing laboratories to be sure they can test all samples fresh before a weekend.
- To accommodate all working schedules we can offer this service any time within a 24 hour day Saturday to Wednesday.
- Each appointment will be 10 minutes long.
- We ask that you set up a pre-booked appointment schedule – we can advise on this and offer a booking template. We can also offer our own online booking service – extra fees may apply.
- All those who attend the clinic will sign a consent form. This will include where the results will be sent. It can include the option to inform their employer if you wish.
- We need a room set aside with a clear desk and 2 or 3 chairs.
- We normally need 7 days notice to arrange a clinic but we can do things much quicker if needed.
- We will also offer a Home Visit option for those employees still shielding.
For the employee
- The test is voluntary.
- The tests will be offered in an ‘Onsite Workplace clinic’
- Each appointment will be pre-booked and is 10 minutes long.
- The test involves drawing blood from a vein.
- The blood sample will be taken by an NMC registered nurse practitioner or phlebotomist.
- This sample will be sent same day to our NHS approved partner laboratory where it will be analysed.
- The results will be available within 3 working days and sent to the destination of your choice.
- You will be asked to sign a consent form for the taking of blood and where you would like the result sent – and, if applicable, that your employer may have a copy of your result.
We are also able to offer…
Covid-19 ‘Have you got it right now?’ Antigen Test
The PCR swab test is a Covid-19 test which detects active presence of the virus. It tests for current infection – whether you have COVID-19 now.
These are the tests currently used by the NHS and approved by Public Health England and are fully compliant with government guidelines.
The test will be done via a nose and/or throat swab sample taken by an NMC registered nurse practitioner and will be sent same-day to our NHS approved partner laboratory where it will be analysed. The results will be available within 3 working days and sent to the destination of your choice.
The provision of this test does not have any impact on NHS resources.
The Benefits
This test enables you to check whether you have coronavirus, whether or not you are displaying symptoms.
This means they can manage their health and protect colleagues. Anyone who tests positive can immediately self isolate, reducing onward infection
If you test negative, you can continue working or return to return to work as soon as possible.
NHS 111 Covid-19 advice
Anyone displaying symptoms of Covid-19 should be able to arrange an immediate Antigen test through the NHS.
The main symptoms of coronavirus are:
- High temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back.
- New, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours. If you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual.
- Loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal
Most people with coronavirus have at least one of these symptoms.
If you have any of the main Covid-19 symptoms go this webpage and follow the guidelines: https://111.nhs.uk/covid-19/
If you are assessed as needing a test you will immediately be offered these options:
- Visit a testing centre – you will be advised where the most local ones are.
- Be sent a test by courier – once completed the courier will collect the completed test.
- If your symptoms are severe you may be advised to come into hospital where a test will be done.